We are specialists in producing biomass briquettes by converting agricultural waste material into charcoal briquettes.

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E&L Suppliers was formed in 2019 by Lumbani Mvula after he became aware of the wanton cutting down of trees and uncontrolled bush fires around Zomba Mountain, causing environmental degradation.  Further research showed the huge problems of deforestation in Malawi and its impacts, and he determined to play a part in mitigation.   He and his team...

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The power of biomass briquettes

The world is facing great energy challenge's and Malawi has it's own particular challenges. There has been a year on year increased rate of deforestation in Malawi,for which there are several drivers- primarily Agriculture and settlement expansion, brick burning, tobacco growing and heavy use of wood for charcoal fuel. Deforestation results in lo...

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Women in environmental protection

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